

Wednesday 17 August 2011

So, tell me about yourself.

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Part 1: Singapore

In January 2008 I stepped off a plane into sunny Singapore, for an exchange semester at the National University of Singapore (doing Law). Until that time I wasn't remotely interested in Asia, but once I was besieged by incredible humidity, enormous and worryingly aggressive-looking fruits and a vastly different culture, I totally changed my mind. It's impossible to sum up all the differences between the UK and Singapore, but ultimately it does some things "better" and some things "worse". There's a lot of Asian cultural norms that I disagree with, but many that I think are admirable and lost in the UK, which is what makes staying in different countries so enjoyable and educational.

The next post will be about my first trip to Malaysia, but if anyone has any questions about what it was like to study in Singapore etc I'll be happy to write more on that.


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